“Approximately 2 million students in our nation’s public-school districts face educational and social obstacles daily as they battle Dyslexia. Dyslexia is the most common learning difference affecting 1 out of 5 people. Ninety percent of children with learning disabilities are referred for special education services as a result of reading deficits. Dyslexia is evenly distributed among all ethnic, socioeconomic and gender demographics. Too many of our children are shuffled through the system without learning to read beyond a 4th grade level due to the lack of funding and resources designated to address learning disabilities, specifically Dyslexia.
Emotional symptoms are equally important as academic and deserve immediate attention. Dyslexics are extremely vulnerable to depression, anxiety, stress and other emotional manifestations due to a lack of early intervention and intervention to help once the diagnosis is identified. Untreated or poorly remediated dyslexia results in failure to achieve a level of academic success that is commensurate with one’s ability”.
~Dr. Rahmanda S. Campbell, Founder